Monday, October 26, 2015


Gardening Tips

There is nothing more satisfying than having your own garden. The pleasures of watching things grow; whether flowers or vegetables--is a good source of relaxation and can bring fresh food to your table. Whether you are planning a garden in the country, are a city dweller with limited space, there are a few things you need to know.

Plan your garden so that each different plant gets its own special needs met.
If at all possible, lay out the garden so that the rows face the east. This way, taller plants such as corn will not shade out lower growing plants such as green beans or peas. All plants receive the same hours of sunlight each day. Make a sketch of how you think your garden should look.

You can still be a gardener even if you have a tiny yard, or no yard at all. Use plants to make small spaces come alive. Even if you have no outdoor space for gardening, it’s possible to grow beautiful plants. Use all your indoor and outdoor spaces. You may think you don’t have room to spare, but you do.

Utilizing Limited Outdoor Space
When you have a limited amount of space, you might be afraid to do much gardening. You don’t want to clutter up your space or eliminate much-needed room.Make your outdoor garden functional as well as beautiful so it will work in those limited areas.

Garden Narrow - Garden beds don’t have to be spread out across the ground, where you have limited walking space already. Use the perimeter of your space by adding some garden pallets. Set them upright and fill them with soil and seeds to create a low garden wall decorated with flowers and greenery.

Use the Walls - Use your fence, exterior home walls and anything else you’ve got to hang plants. Fill mason jars or small garden pots with soil, add your seeds and hang them around the edges of your garden space.

Instead of planting garden beds in the ground or building planter boxes, try container gardening. Use wine boxes, drink tubs and portable containers to grow your plants. Your containers can be placed on tables, on the edges decks and patios, and in other areas where they won’t impede foot traffic.

Try Hanging Gardens - Line small baskets with plastic and fill them with soil. Add your seeds and grow herbs in these small containers. The baskets can be hung almost anywhere, even hung from the ceiling with screwhooks and some ribbon.

Plant Through the Window - Use both sides of your window to grow plants. Window boxes are a time-honored tradition in small space gardening. Line the inside of your window with small jars and pots, or build a narrow window box. A wooden or plastic utensil holder for the kitchen becomes a handy growing box in the right window.

Use the Balcony - Make your balcony look like a garden with vining plants. Plant them in a narrow box and place it at the edge. The vines will grow up the rails of the balcony to create a pretty green wall.

Feed and Water - When you’re gardening in small spaces with small containers, water often. Containers don’t hold as much water as the ground so you need to give your plants plenty of moisture. Feed your plants fertilizer or compost often to keep them healthy.

Picking Plants
Choose the right plants for your small spaces.

Shady - You can grow plants even in shade as long as you pick shade-loving plants. Many plants thrive only in shaded areas, and that makes them ideal for dark areas and indoor spaces.

In the herb family, basil, chives, coriander and parsley will all grow with little sunlight. Flowers like day-lilies, columbine, hosta lilies and meadowsweet also 
thrive in shade. Cardinal flowers, Jack-in-the-pulpit and trillium add beautiful color to shaded and low-light areas.

Sunny - For areas that are always brightly-lit by the sun, pick plants that thrive in sunny, dry ground. Lavender, coneflower, sunflowers, zinnias and marigolds all grow well in these conditions. Yarrow looks like a fern and keeps its foliage so long it is almost an evergreen. It’s perfect for container gardening because otherwise, yarrow spreads quickly.

Even small spaces can bloom with life and color if you use a few creative solutions. Keep your eyes open for small containers, bare garden walls and start gardening.

Happy Gardening!

Thank You for reading!

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