Tuesday, September 29, 2015



Cement plastering is commonly used as ideal coating for external and internal surface of wall. Cement plaster is usually applied in a single coat or double coat. Double coat plaster is applied where thickness of plaster is required to be more than 15 mm or when it is required to get a very fine finish. The process of applying a double coat cement plaster on wall surface consists of the following 4 steps.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Plumbing works in building.


Let's say you want to put a toilet in a house. Two-hundred or 300 years ago this was not an option -- everyone used outhouses. If you visit the governor's mansion in Williamsburg, VA, you will see that in the 1700s even England's high colonial governor used a pair of three-holler outhouses located at the back of the formal garden. Eventually, public water supplies and pressurized well systems allowed people to have indoor plumbing, and this allowed for the addition of indoor toilets. A toilet has to flush somewhere, so sewer systems evolved.

Window Choice

Windows option

Choosing new windows to fit your architectural taste and budget may be more complicated than you think. Technological improvements have had an enormous impact on the new products offered by window and door manufacturers. Improvements in construction materials add to window and door energy efficiency, while reducing maintenance costs. Improvements in energy efficiency are probably the most common reason to replace windows.

Monday, September 21, 2015

How to Fix a Wood Threshold

Fixing a Wood Threshold

Fixing a wood threshold is a relatively simple task that can be complicated only by the surface to which it is to be fixed.

The basic fixing can be broken into simple steps.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Home Building Process

A Step-by-Step Guide to the Home Building Process

Here's what to expect during the major phases of construction.

Building your new home is exciting, especially when you understand how the process works. The following overview outlines the typical steps your builder will take in the construction of a home and will help keep you abreast of what happens at key stages.

Keep in mind that the homebuilding process may vary from region to region and builder to builder, especially if you’re building an elaborate custom home. Be sure to ask your builder about his or her specific policies and procedures.