Friday, November 6, 2015

Mosaic Tile Table

How to Make a Mosaic Tile Table Design

Materials and Tools:-

1) marker
2) 3-4 colors of shiny wall tiles
3) hammer
4) cloth to wrap tiles
5) mastic adhesive
6) grout
7) grout float
8) grout sealant
9) table or other surface to mosaic

Monday, October 26, 2015

Japanese Plasters

Japanese Plasters

Following the spread of Buddhism, lime plaster was first introduced to Japan from the Korean Peninsula in the 6th century.  The original purpose was to provide a canvas for religious paintings.  When lime plaster was first introduced to Japan, paper fibers were mostly likely used in place of hemp.


Gardening Tips

There is nothing more satisfying than having your own garden. The pleasures of watching things grow; whether flowers or vegetables--is a good source of relaxation and can bring fresh food to your table. Whether you are planning a garden in the country, are a city dweller with limited space, there are a few things you need to know.

Plan your garden so that each different plant gets its own special needs met.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Painting on House walls

Painting a Room

This guide is designed to give you all information you need to paint your house. When it comes to home improvement, painting is the least expensive and most efficient thing you can do. Save time and aggravation with proper preparation. Honestly, preparation is the least favorite step in the painting process, second only to cleanup. But starting a project on the right foot means you'll have a better shot at getting the job done right.

Different rooms such as bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms and dining room have slightly different requirements, but basic step-by-step instructions are the same for all rooms.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Floor Tile Installation

How to Tile Installation

   A tile floor adds style to any room. It's also durable, easy to clean and a project you can take on with confidence. Learn how to install and grout tile.

Preparing to Install Floor Tile
First, make sure you have prepared the sub-floor properly before you begin laying tile. Before beginning, remove tiles from the different boxes and randomly mix them to ensure that minor color differences don’t form an unwanted pattern in your new floor.

Install Windows with Aluminum Siding

Installing Windows with Aluminum Siding

Adding new windows to any home will make it look much better and also increase is value, installing windows in aluminum siding however an be a scary prospect for any homeowner. Fortunately installing windows in aluminum siding isn't actually any more difficult than in any other type of house.

You will find it very easy to install windows in aluminum siding as long as you have enough time to complete the project successfully.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015



Cement plastering is commonly used as ideal coating for external and internal surface of wall. Cement plaster is usually applied in a single coat or double coat. Double coat plaster is applied where thickness of plaster is required to be more than 15 mm or when it is required to get a very fine finish. The process of applying a double coat cement plaster on wall surface consists of the following 4 steps.